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Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve the various aspects of your golf game.
Ball position is a key in generating more power in your drives. Setting up the ball too far forward or back in your stance will limit your power. If the ball is too far back in your stance, you will strike the ball potentially on your downswing. With a very small angle to begin with, it is virtually impossible to hit a good drive on your downswing with the ball too far back in your stance. The proper position is somewhere in between the width of your front foot.
Throughout the entire swing you should let your body swing your arms, much like swinging a heavy ball at the end of a chain. If you keep your elbows together and in front of your center (the upper part of your body) in the hitting area centrifugal force will create club head speed. The faster you can move the body in the forward swing without sacrificing a smooth rhythmic tempo the more club head speed you will develop. The left arm will rotate and the right arm will extend and cross over the left, just as a home run hitter's arms react. It is imperative that you keep the body moving to the finish. Otherwise the arms and hands will deliver prematurely.
You'll generate a lot of power if you forget about building up the muscles in your body and concentrate instead on whipping the hips. Look at golfing legend Gary player. He's only 5'7" tall, but he hits the ball a long way by moving his hips as fast as possible for right to left in the downswing. But not so fast that he loses control of the swing. The idea is to have the hips moving to the left, where they'll open naturally. If you keep your head behind the ball through impact, you'll form a sort of human catapult that will send your ball soaring.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
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Quick Golf Ideas
Used Golf Irons
Let's say your home course has bunkers with soft, fluffy sand. You don't want your club digging down into that loose sand, so you need a sand wedge with a higher bounce angle to lessen the digging. Conversely, bunkers with heavy, compacted sand do require more digging to pull off a good sand shot, so you need less bounce to allow the leading edge of the club to do that digging.
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Mizuno golf stand bag!
Every golfer knows that if you are playing a shot into the wind, you must hit more club. If you're playing a shot with the wind, you must hit less club. Even professionals have a difficult time playing in the wind. The average score in a tournament is always higher when it is windy.
...The Golf Channel
Two Backswing Flaws You Must Fix for a Spot-On Swing
Because golfers must stand to the side of the golf ball at address, it's easy to understand why many players improperly rotate both the body and golf club away from the ball during the takeaway. Often, this improper rotation assumes the form of an inside takeaway, where the hands and forearms roll clockwise and rotate the clubface open. As soon as the club is taken too far to the inside, it becomes trapped behind the body�literally.
...Golf Link
Eyes And Arms
On the putting green, the eyes and the forearms should be parallel to the target line at address. This will encourage the putter to track on the proper path without manipulation during the stroke. If the eyes and/or the forearms are misaligned, it's impossible to make a putt without compensating during the stroke. Notice how poor my alignment is at far left�this setup is common and bad.
...Golf Tips magazine
Come to the Golf Course with Strategy in the Bag
Every good golfer knows that golf is not all about mechanics. There is a strategy to playing the game, and the golfer who develops the best strategy has a much better chance of coming out on top. There are ways to prepare yourself before you get to the course�and ways to react to conditions within a round�that will save you trouble and give you an advantage most golfers fail to seize. T.J. Tomasi, Ph.D.
Hitting behind the ball or too high on the ball.
This is often caused by swaying during the swing. Any side-to-side or up and down head movement should be avoided. To get the right feel, hit some practice shots with feet together. During your weight shift, concentrate on keeping the weight On your right foot on the inside of your foot. Check your progress by taking practice swings with sun behind you and watching your shadow. Don't let the clubface get ahead of your hands at impact. To avoid hitting chips and pitches fat: Don't sole the club at address. Use an open, narrow stance. Keep arms connected to chest and rotate body rather than sliding hips laterally and jabbing at the ball with your hands. Focus eyes on front of ball, with weight on front foot and wrists ahead of ball at address and through impact. Be sure to make a complete follow-through.
...Tom's golf tips
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